Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s husband, John Bessler, sick with COVID-19

By Jane Lee

MinnPost reported Monday Sen. Amy Klobuchar announced that her husband, John Bessler, tested positive for coronavirus.

Klobuchar said Bessler had a temperature and eventually started coughing up blood, according to the MinnPost.

"He now has pneumonia and is on oxygen but not a ventilator," she said in a Medium post, the MinnPost reported.

Klobuchar wrote she was in Minnesota when Bessler started feeling sick in Washington, so her doctor did not advise her to get a test, according to the MinnPost.

Klobuchar said, during a teleconference to discuss legislation Monday, the hardest thing about this disease is that she cannot even be by his side, according to the GazetteXtra.
