Police say child, freezing milk found in car with unresponsive dad outside Eden Prairie Walmart

By Jane Lee

Police found a child in the feezing back seat of a car parked outside of Eden Prairie Walmart with an unresponsible dad on Feb. 15, Star Tribune reported.

James R. Parker, 23, of St. Louis Park was charged Tuesday in Hennepin County District Court. 
According to a complaint, the vehicle was turned off with headlights on and officers observed Parker's bloodshot watery. Inside of the car was cold the outside temperature was six below zero. Officer found his 6-year-old daughter in the back seat and milk had begun to freeze, Star Tribune reported. 

According to Star Tribune, the complaint said Parker told police he used methadone and has taken a Xanax the previous night to treat his heroin addiction. Toxicology tests are pending.   
